Cerebro 2016

March 9, 2016

Cerebro is a National level IT Quiz competition organized by the Computer Science and Engineering Department of St. Joseph’s College of Engineering and Technology, Palai. This is the second season of the prestigious event.

Last year, more than 50 teams comprising of students from various colleges in and outside Kerala participated in the event. Cerebro has received wide acclaim. Cerebro-16 would be a visual treat of Technical Intelligence.

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Quiz rounds after Prelims

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Dig the Doodle

You might be a regular Google user, but how well do you know it's doodles?

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Teams will be asked questions from different areas of computer science for the face off.

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Science of Deduction

Be in the boots of Sherlock Holmes and find the culprit using the science of deduction. The culprit may be related to technology, software or hardware related fields.

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Stay aware of the latest trends in Computer Science, it will help you save your bench.

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Identity Quest

Identify what lies behind the tile, move on to the next round in style.

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To be the best, you have to beat the rest.


Each team should comprise of 2 participants.

The decision of Quiz-Master shall be final and shall not be subject to change.

The participants shall not be allowed to use mobile phones or other electronic devices during the course of event.

Change of any participant of a team is not allowed after registration.

After the prelims, top six team will qualify for the final rounds.


Amazing prizes await the winners of Cerebro 2016


Online registration closes on March 8, 2016
Spot registrations upto 9am on March 9,2016

Registration fees : Rs.200 per team

About College

College with a Difference

The establishment of St.Joseph's College of Engineering and Technology was the fulfillment of a long cherished dream of providing facilities for higher education to the people of the diocese and the surrounding regions. The main objective is to develop a college with a distinct identity and character, where education and training are imparted in a truly Christian environment conducive to fostering Christian values such as faith in God, love for their fellow men and devotion to the motherland. Every facility is provided in the campus to create an environment fully conducive to realising this objective.

About CSEA

Computer Science and Engineering Association is an integral part of Department of Computer Science and Engineering of SJCET,Palai. CSEA comprises of all the students and staff of the Department of Computer Science and Engineering. Over the years CSEA has set a new standard of training students, motivating them and guiding their career dreams in the right direction.

CSEA organises events like coding competition, technical workshops and talk by eminent researchers which help in enhancing the technical and scientific aptitude among students. CSEA aims to promote the technical and cultural skills of the students through various competitions.

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Contact Us

Staff Coordinators

Mr. Jacob P Cherian
Asst. Professor
Dept. of Computer Science
Phone: 8281340483

Mr. Bino Thomas
Asst. Professor
Dept. of Computer Science
Phone: 9447383034

Student Coordinators

Ms. Jefin Liza James
Phone: 9447504269

Mr. Jeevan George
Phone: 9400983265

Mr. Abin Babu
Phone: 8129690456